Miss Smoothey and Miss Whild
Mrs Blades, Mrs Taylor, Miss Wilson and Miss Leatherland
In year 1 our primary focus this year is phonics and reading. By the end of year 1 your child is expected to be reading at turquoise level (phase 5), therefore we encourage you to read as much as possible with your child at home. This makes up your child’s home-learning in addition to weekly spellings that will be posted on your child’s class dojo page every Monday. We read in small groups daily to develop decoding skills initially and then comprehension skills as the year progresses.
In June, your child will take part in the government Phonic Screening test. This will test your child’s phonic ability, e.g. the ability to decode and read real and nonsense words. The pass mark for in previous years was 32 out of 40. We teach daily phonics lessons from 8.55-9.35. To support your child with phonics at home please read regularly using the Collins online phonically decodable books matched to your child’s phonics ability. Whilst reading at home please encourage your child to ‘sound-out’ decodable words, e.g. d-o-g, f-r-o-g, t-r-ai-n, p-ea–ch will help to support them. (Please see letter mats for the digraphs.)
In mathematics, we use the 5 stages of learning and follow the White Rose Maths scheme of work. Here is a breakdown of the yearly over view.
Number and Place Value (within 10) Addition and Subtraction (within 10) Shape Number and Place Value (within 20)
Addition and Subtraction (within 20) Number and Place Value (within 20) Measurement: Length and Height Measurement: Weight and Volume
Multiplication and Division Fraction Position and Direction Number and Place Value (within 100) Money Time
Throughout the year we look at a range of different topics, including: Marvellous Me, Around the World, Toys, Let’s Grow and Coast to Coast.
This year P.E will be taught on a Wednesday afternoon. Please ensure your child comes to school with the correct kit- white t-shirt, black shorts/joggers and suitable footwear.
If you have any queries please see a member of the Year 1 team.