Year 2



Miss Hanna and Miss Forrest

Teaching Assistants

Mrs Vance and Mrs Sanderso

Welcome to Year 2

A quick introduction to our year

An Introduction to Year 2

Throughout Year 2, the children will cover a wide range of topics in a cross-curricular way.  Visit the Year 2 Topic web for more details about these topics. The core subjects; maths, writing composition and reading comprehension will be taught daily and these subjects will be enhanced by daily spelling lessons in the morning and topic lessons in the afternoon.


Reading is a high priority across the school and the expectation is that you support your child with reading for a minimum of 15 minutes per night. This provides opportunities for your child to practise the skills they are learning in school to further develop their reading fluency and comprehension.


In mathematics, we use the 5 stages of learning and follow the White Rose Maths scheme of work. Here is a breakdown of the yearly over view.



Place Value
Addition and Subtraction


Multiplication and Division
Length & Height
Mass Capacity & temperature


Fractions Time Statistics Position and Direction


Each Monday your child will be tested on the spellings from the previous week and will then bring home their new spellings for that week. Children will take part in daily spelling lessons but it is vital that these spellings are learnt at home also as they will directly benefit the quality of their writing in school.  


Our regular PE slot is a Monday afternoon. However, please ensure that your child has their kit in school with them all week. This allows for additional PE sessions to be taught whenever the need arises. Please ensure your child comes to school with the correct kit- white t-shirt, black shorts/joggers and suitable footwear.  

Class Dojo  

Class dojo is a fantastic way for you to see what we have been up to in Year 2 and is a great way for you to contact your child’s class teacher too. Children are also able to add photographs and pieces of work to their profile. We love to see what your child is doing when out of school so feel free to add things into their portfolio for us to look at. 

Please feel free to speak to a member of staff if you have any concerns, questions or are able to support in any way. 
